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Origin: VEnezuela

TYPE: ancestral criollo

AVERAGE bean weight: 1.20 grams





"Cacao Guasare is an ancestral Criollo and is believed to be the first cacao that existed on earth."


Cacao Guasare is an ancestral Criollo and is believed to be the first cacao that existed on earth. Recent research shows that this variety began to spread from Maracaíbo Lake to the north and then all the way up through Central America reaching México.


The beans are large to medium sized and pure white inside. The flavor is straight forward pure raw cacao with, floral and brown sugar.


Guasare was discovered in the Guajira region & Sierra de Perija by Rio Guasare, in Zulia state. From there, it propagates and adapted to the western region of the country. Nowadays it can also be found in Merida states, but its production is very scarce.

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